Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Note about Clear

I have recently been re-reading some of the books on Dianetics - which is the methodology developed by L. Ron Hubbard to address and handle the effects of the spirit on the body.

One of the many reasons I have been re-reading these books is to find a good definition of Clear. I've been asked many questions about this subject, and it seems that a lot of people think that achieving Clear means that the person who has achieved this is no longer him or herself - that they no longer have their own memories. This is not the case.

The basic idea is that there are two parts of the mind. One part contains the ability to reason, the other contains all of the times that a person was unconscious and/or felt a lot of pain. The first part is called the analytical mind - because it can analyze. The second is the reactive mind - because it causes the person to react to certain stimuli that that particular part of the mind considers dangerous - whether it is really dangerous or not.

Basically a Clear has had all of the moments in his reactive mind re-filed into his analytical mind. This means that all of those points of pain or unconsciousness are not able to be consciously accessed by the analytical mind and evaluated for validity. This restores the "Basic Individual" to his full consciousness and makes him more himself. In Dianetics the Original Thesis L. Ron Hubbard states:

"Man is not a reactive animal. He is capable of self-determinism. He has willpower. He ordinarily has high analytical ability. He is rational and he is happy and integrated only when he is his own basic personality.
"The most desirable state in an individual is complete self-determinism."

So far I have found that the best way of really understanding what Dianetics is and what a Clear is would be to read L. Ron Hubbard's books on Dianetics. They are really extremely interesting and I've found that the development of Dianetics is best understood when these books are read in order.

Do you have any questions about Dianetics I could help you with?


Aligote said...

Does a reactive mind contain both positive and negative memories?

Julia said...

I'm pretty sure I answered that here, but if that's unclear, let me know. :)