Thursday, November 27, 2008


I read this great quote in Dianetics and I thought it was pretty darn applicable to just about everything in life. Here it is:

"Sanity is the ability to tell differences. The better one can tell differences, no matter how minute, and know the width of those differences, the more rational he is." - L. Ron Hubbard

It's a pretty cool definition and even works with the court idea of insanity - that the person is unable to tell that his actions were wrong. He's unable to differentiate right from wrong.

I recently started working for a lawyer and after reading this definition of sanity, his insistence on details and understanding the differences in cases makes more sense than ever. It's helped me work out differences in cases that I wouldn't otherwise have looked for.

What about you? What do you think?


Grahame said...

I also like the quote:

"Sanity is the ability to recognize differences, similarities and identities." L. Ron Hubbard.

You could write a book to fully expand the ideas behind that one sentence.

Monty said...

I really like this and I am glad that you put this up. i sometimes have been told that the fact that I see the differences in things better than most is weird but in reading this i see that its not a bad thing at all to be able to do this.

eternity said...

THIS IS VERY WORKABLE DEFINITON:"Sanity is the ability to tell differences. The better one can tell differences, no matter how minute, and know the width of those differences, the more rational he is." The opposite of it is INSANITY,or,more exactly, the REACTIVE MIND which "thinks" irrrationaly ,and in which anything is equal to every thing :A=B=C... ,which is characterized by inability to tell differences,especially,minute differences!...So,the more you are able differentiate between me and other persons;between yesterday,today and tomorrow;between scientology and other practices; between truth an falshood; between right and wrong;between relative importances in your life;between your real friends and your enemies;between things that lead to survival and non-survival etc., the more sane you are!